Texts on Ryslavy
Ryslavy in H-ART #151 (BE) 2015
"'7 Years of Indecency - 7 ans d'infraction - 7 jaar transgressie.
2007 - 2014' is het jongste boek van Kurt Ryslavy, de Oostenrijkse
kunstenaar, wijnhandelaar en verzamelaar uit Brussel. Een gewone editie
en een luxe-editie bundelt alle activiteiten van zijn door de Vlaamse
overheid erkende Vereniging van Oostenrijkse Kunst- en Wijnliefhebbers.
Een conceptueel kunstproject, en een verrassend overzichtsboek ..."
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Ryslavy CV @ BAM
BAM is the Flemish institute for visual, audiovisual and media art in Belgium."The Austrian painter, conceptual artist and poet Kurt Ryslavy
invented the 'bourgeoise travesty' as an artistic expression. He
realizes non-fictional juristic documents within different media. With
his image-findings/inventions that he combines with writings, he goes
beyond taboos of art and society. His prefered media are text, video,
installation, performance, sculpture, painting and
exhibition-concepts." »
Hans Theys on Ryslavy
Hans Theys (1963) is a Belgian writer, graphic designer, curator and visiting lecturer specialised in contemporary art.
"In 1979 Kurt Ryslavy began his study at the University of Vienna
(philosophy) and at the University for Applied Arts Vienna. His
teachers were Herbert Hrachovec and Oswald Oberhuber – he dropped out
of both programs.
In 1981 he moved to Salzburg. There he worked on texts, collages and
aquarels, in combination with photography. In the same year he went
back to Vienna and met the artist Franz West." »

Damien Airault on Ryslavy 2009
Damien Airault is a French art critic and exhibition curator."I proposed to Kurt that we work together to try and find the best way to present his multiple activities. This would take place in the small art space at my disposal in Paris: Le Commissariat. Multiple activities, since Kurt is not only 'the' importer of Austrian wine in Brussels, if not the whole of Belgium, but also an artist working in diverse media (painting, project design, installation, photography, etc.) and a discerning collector of contemporary art, furniture and rare objects." »
Eléonore Saintagnan on Ryslavy 2009
Eléonore Saintagnan is a French visual artist currently living in Brussels."Ce weekend, j’accompagne mon ami Grégoire Motte chez un marchand de vin autrichien qui est aussi collectionneur et qui vient de lui acheter une pièce. Il s’agit d’une lunette de toilettes dans le bois de laquelle est gravé un prénom, qui reste imprimé sur les fesses des utilisateurs un temps proportionnel à celui passé assis sur l’œuvre d’art ..." »
Written for the French contemporary art magazine Particules. Download the Article (pdf, French)